Thursday 6 December 2018

O.R.k. - New Album and Tour for 2019

I am very happy to announce the new O.R.k. album "Ramagehead", is now due for release on February 22nd via Kscope.
Commencing work after a short break at the end of our "Soul of an Octopus" Tour earlier this year, "Ramagehead" was written recorded between March and September, and has been mixed by the Grammy winning Marc Urselli and Adrian Benavides, with mastering by Micheal Fossenkemper of Turtle Tone Studios.
It certainly feels like the most complete and developed album we've made together. As before the distinctive elements of Pat Mastelotto's ever inventive drumming, Carmelo Pipitone's striking and original guitar work and Lef's distinctive and powerful vocals have blended together with me in the middle somewhere, and from my perspective we've certainly gained a lot from our live experiences in the last couple of years, something difficult to quantify, but an even greater group "oneness" and unspoken shared intent perhaps.

We have a very special guest vocalist in the shape of Serje Tankian, and Eleuteria Arena, who is a frequent live guest, also provides backing vocals and some beautiful cello.
The stunning cover image is the work of Adam Jones, with design by Denis Rodier.

Pre-Order link in various formats can be found here:

Starting in February, Lef, Carmelo Pipitone, Pat Mastelotto and myself will be touring Europe in support of "Ramagehead", including some dates with Pineapple Thief. 

Complete list of tour dates and ticket information can be found here.

Please check the O.R.k. website FB page/ Instagram/Twitter/YouTube etc for more details and more frequent updates than I am likely to post here...



Wednesday 5 December 2018

Twinscapes Live in December

 A couple of Italian gigs with Twinscapes this month with event details in the links below:

Rome - L'Asino che Vola

Lugagnano - Club Il Giardino

Looking forward to playing some of our new tracks.....

Solo Work

Ex Wise Heads Downloads