Saturday 28 April 2012

Metallic Taste of Blood Album Now Available for Pre-Order


Pre-order information for The Metallic Taste of Blood album is now up here. Also available from the Rarenoise store.

For a little taste, you can read my previous blog post and listen to a track here.

All the Best,


Sunday 8 April 2012

Sprocket London

Westminster BridgeHouses of Parliament

SprocketLondonSkyline, a set on Flickr.
A couple of interesting pics by the Thames, both taken with my Sprocket Rocket.
I like the overlap effect on the left (lucky that the iconic London bus was in the right place), and image in the right was a double exposure, first a metal sculpture outside St. Thomas's Hospital, and then the Houses of Parliament, taken from the South side of the river.

Solo Work

Ex Wise Heads Downloads