Tuesday 20 December 2016

Monday 12 December 2016

The Affect

Please enjoy this lyric video for the "The High" taken from forthcoming release by the Affect (yours truly, Matthew Richards and James Hope)
Stream of consciousness meets atmospheric beat laden urban soundscapes:

Monday 5 December 2016

Porcupine Tree T- Shirt Pre-Order

A new collection of Porcupine Tree t-shirts are available to pre-order for release on 9th December. The t-shirt designs available as part of this first collection are John Foxx's artwork for Lightbulb Sun and Lasse Hoile's artwork for In Absentia and Fear of a Blank Planet.

UK/Europe pre-order - https://www.burningshed.com/store/porcupinetree/collection/322/

USA/Canada pre-order - http://www.porcupinetreestore.com/

Solo Work

Ex Wise Heads Downloads